So I thought the week couldnt possibly be any more horribly stressful... HAHAHA... was I wrong. My hubby has been sick(hurt/ sick... kinda both long story) and was doing better after an ER trip Friday and a visit to the quack shack Tuesday... Wednesday we attended a funeral and though he was hurting he was doing ok... Felt ok Wednesday night also.. hurting abit around 10ish but was planning on going to work Today... Yeah right... He woke me up at 1:30pm to inform me he needed to go to the Emergency room. The pain was unbearable. So our entire day was spent in the hospital. Now we are looking at him being out of work for two weeks and he is on adamant instructions to do NOTHING... "no lifting no pulling, no bending, no manual labor, no straining, and NO WORK" They covered it all on the note.. So I pack him up and drive him home leaving his truck at the hospital since he was pretty hopped up on painkillers when he was released. His Dad goes to bring the truck home for us and it dies on the way and wont start... so on top of the medical bills, prescriptions, and getting to look forward to two weeks without pay we now add truck repairs to the list... I cant take much more before I crack. If he could at least start feeling better I could have some hope. I cant stand him hurting and miserable and not being able to do anything to make it better! I dont even have the energy to beat the heck out of some copper for a necklace I have in mind....
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