Monday, September 7, 2009

Oxidising silver....the nontoxic succes! (and a necklace finished!)

Today was oxidising day... haha...  I have three pieces that needed to be oxidised that I kept putting off since I didnt have any LOS.  Today I got brave and boiled an egg... the first one was a failure.... I let it cool some first not knowing it needed to be hot...  So I boiled some more and plopped them in a baggy with the jewelry and smashed them up.  Worked like a charm!  The pieces are now healthily oxided AND were easy to polish of what I wanted polished.  Perfection!  

Amazingly today has been pretty productive!  Even though I slept until almost noon....haha..  the boys slipped out to go fishing this morning and without the interuption I was able to sleep!  We went to lunch with my brother in law who was in town visiting and leaving today and then came home.  I finished a rustic amethst necklace, it was supposed to be the match for the bracelet I just oxidized, but I am not sure if I want to oxides it....  I like it the way it is.... 


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