Monday, August 31, 2009

Bridal Necklace #3

Originally uploaded by Serena Coulson Designs

Bridal Necklace pic#2

Originally uploaded by Serena Coulson Designs

Custom Order Bridal Necklace

Originally uploaded by Serena Coulson Designs
Simple sweet and perfect. I was excited to get this necklace finished today. It turned out perfect and she loved it.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Custom Order

Tonight I am starting my first custom wedding order!   

Its a simple three strand pearl design for the wife-to-be of Mikes old sidekick from high school.  There's a lot of history and escapades there!    I need to charge my camera battery and then I will take pictures of the finished necklace.   It late so I plan to start tommorow night.



Monday, August 24, 2009

Found it!

I found the setting that wouldnt let me log in.  Amazingly reading some help topics on flickr and changed the settings to see if it would work and voila!  Here I am!     So here are pics:

Carnelian Cluster Pendant  $25

Amazonite Peruvian Opal and Hessonite Garnet $25

Graduated Mosiac Turqouise Necklace $22

Amethyst Cross Necklace $30

Amazonite Bracelet $30

Okay thats all for tonight....


Cant login again... So blogging from FLickr...

Originally uploaded by Serena Coulson Designs
So once again I cant login. Even trying a different browser. Grrr...

Why I think? The dang cat trompled on the laptop the other day. She has a habit of that. Messes things up bad. I spend months putting settings back in place to get things working properly. So I wanted to post a bunch of new pictures. I like this one. See my yard rats aka chickens in the background? It tickled the heck out of me taking this pic. Kinda hard to take pictures with a pack of chickens pecking at your toes... I bet people wonder what the heck when they drive by and see me dancing around kicking holding a camera trying to take pictures with a bunch of chickens and a pair of turkeys at/on/around my feet.  Those dang birds are like dogs waiting for you to drop a crumb on the floor.  Except they get impatient and try to EAT YOU while they wait. Wearing flip flops can get kind of interesting at my house.  

This is an Amethyst cross necklace that I love. Simple and sweet. I have more pictures on Flickr of course... Along with a couple other new items.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Something new with pictures!

Originally uploaded by Serena Coulson Designs
Got this done this weekend, amethyst bracelet, also working on a carnelian version. Going to oxidise it all dark and polish it up when I have time. Ran out of closed rings and have to go pick some up this week to finish the other one, thinking of a necklace also. Have a few different ideas rattling in my head. Im on a bracelet kick. Had a wonderful relaxing weekend and hope this week is the same. ITs back to school week so work will be a madhouse though I bet. I've got more pics of this bracelet on FLickr so bop on over if you want. Its late late late so sorry I cant think of much more to blabble about.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Not so exciting....

Well I am crossing my fingers Xanadoo stays up today. 3 days of no reliable internet makes me panicky. Though Hubby wondered if I was sick since I left my desk to sit and watch TV with him(ME sit and Watch TV! The horror...). I've got a dozen different peices sitting half done, I keep losing focus half way through. Trying to clean house too.. these boys can sure do a number on this house if I dont keep at it. I am almost done witha special order set ofearrings. I hope she likes them, they are a little late, I hoped to get them done earlier in the week but my crazy life put the stops on that... 2 days of searching for my purse with all the money from our booth in it... finally rememebering I set it down SUNDAY IN TRACTOR SUPPLY! It was located untouched(amazing!) in the spot of left it on Tuesday! Then I promptly lost my phone and spent the week phoneless among other chaoses. I have been BEGGING to just come home and relax and work on jewelry. I am hoping for some peace and quiet and focus today.... I moved my work bench into a dead zone of the living room, dead zone as in ...the side of the living room that seem to catch the clutter and no one sat on the chair there so it collected toys and things that arent supposed to live in the living room. Gotta figure out where to put that chair now but my dining area is back to being a dining area and hubby is a little happier about that and that I am in the living room with the family at least. Though he snarled once I got it all moved because he discovered I like usual am death to the TV reception... So much snarling and relocation of the antenae resulted. I hate the new digital TV....
But I ramble...
If I can find where I set my camera yesterday... I will take some pics of a few new pieces and try to upload them... I hope. Right now I have to go roast some chicken for dinner tonight.... You know... be Mom for a while.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Whew... withdrawels. I couldnt log in for some reason, been trouble shooting and not able to figure it out. Tinkered with some settings after days of frustration and finally got it to let me log in! (I really think the stupid cat slept on the keyboard the other day and "adjusted things"
So here I am trying to remember all the things I was going to post about before now! The August Downtown Art Market was yesterday and was a success. Two new jewelry vendors, a new gal EagleWings Designs I think it was called. Sweet lady helped us figure out our new tent and helped chase down our stuff that kept blowing away since it decided to be windy for the first time in a looong time. We visited most of the day and both are looking forward to the next market and hoping to be next to each other again, we booth sat for each other and our designs are totally different, makes it fun and challenging! The other new booth was some jewelry friends of mine, Anne and Debbie and their own totally different designs! Made it kinda nice to have someone to wander down and chatter with. It was a wonderful day, my mom did really well this time and had a blast! It wasnt as hot and there were hoards of people. I totally love the flair of this market and heard mention that a city official wandered in to check it out and said that next time they really would need to start shutting the street down.! Its expanding! I sold anough that I am worried about getting stuff made to replace it in time for the next one. I have already been hard at it today. Got a pretty Mosiac Turqouise necklace made witha concho focal. I am in LOVE with my drill press..(have a I mentioned we drug home the drill press from where it was stored.. looks oh so styling in my kitchen haha. I was kind of discouraged this time with some of my pieces though. I got numerous compliments and raves on my moonstone necklace, but no one ever even picked it up. Now Im disapointed and relieved both. To have sold it would have ment it woul be going home with someone that loved it, but I adore it so much myself it was a struggle to put it on display and put a price on it. Also I have a dilema of the heart.... I was told more than once by customers that I was undercharging for some of my stuff... I try really hard to sell them affordably, I want people to look at them and love them AND be able to afford to take them home, but some of them I dont really make any kind of profit and without SOME profit I run into making it affordable for ME to continue. How the heck do I mesh both? Plus I have a hard time making enough stuff to keep the booth full, I am soo particular on look and design, I dont want to just mass produce stuff. But I think it will all come together. This once a month market sure makes the days fly by! We did decide that we need to compact our setup, we are trading our full size tables for ones that will fold up and fit in the car, our goal is to be able to pack it all in the car and not have an entire pickup load to haul. It sure is a pain to unload and set up with what we have now! Poor hubby will have to remove the stereo equipment in the car and take his thumpy box thingy out of the trunk.... I told him it wasnt worth going to all the trouble to begin with! (I hate thumpy stereo! ) Well... I really need to get back to a few designs... I have one in progress that needs some tweaking and need to work on some others. Also I have a special order to work on AND a couple of requests....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Not enough time!

Ive been on vacation... not that its been very restful,  we didnt have any plans other than the birthday party for the kidlet.  But it seems we never stopped running around.  I did one necklace Saturday.  Havent taken pictures yet. Didnt do anything I really wanted to do at all other than clean out the kidlets room and sort toys to get rid of.  I go back to the day job tommorow...  I am contemplating getting SOMETHING made today.  Ideas flit through my head and right back out.  I may just go back to bed and take a nap since no one else in my world is awake yet.    YAWN......  

Oh yeah I almost forgot...  Saturday is the Downtown Art Market.  I need to see if I can find a Mondays paper(on Tuesday)  I caught a glimpse of the front page Article being about the Art Market. I sure hope that means a great turn out!  Now I really have to get on makeing some new items for our booth!