Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Remember me???

Well here I am!

I'm a bad bad person and totally blew off my blog the last few weeks. Christmas chaos took over to much... the only jewlery I've bothered with was a garnet necklace with a peridot cluster for my Aunt Terri and a turqouise ans silver necklace for my Mother in law.   Their Christmas presents. BUT my creative juices are on the rise,  thought I havent been able to make myself sit down and make jewlery.  I have been bit by the redecorate and remodel bug.  I am plotting a patio and porch awning for the front of our place AND plotting to recycle some old boards from thw original deck that we took out last year.  So jewelry is on hold.  Christmas was awesome,   Santa brought Wyatt some cool stuff.  Mr. Wyatt has decided he is a Cowboy and Santa obliged him by bringing lots of cowboy stuf....

And here is the World's Cutest Cowboy in his new boots and jeans with his new rope ready to go see Grandma and Bumpa and open more presents.

And our view out the front door on Christmas morning was awesome:

While Christmas went smoothly...  Friday after did not.  After dropping the World's Cutest Cowboy off to spend some time with Grandma... Mom(Me) headed back into the wind to my truck and proceeded to have the winde slam the door on my left pointy finger... I hastily flew my wounded but back into Grandmas house and balled my eyes out.  Here is the results of that altercation after 4 days of healing...

I can now bend my finger at the secondknuckle again... and a little bit at the first.  its still swollen and funky shaped on top.  I would not be shocked if its broken.. But since its not crooked broken there's no point in visiting the quack doc and wasting my money...  It doesnt hurt unless I bump it so I'll just live with it until its healed. Makes typing pretty difficult so please overlook my goofs.

So just a little while ago I got a zing of energy after wandering around town with my mom most of the day.. and went behind the house to the old deck and started dismantleing it.  My plan is to take THIS doorway:

and frame it with THESE old weathered boards( cleaned and stained):

here is the sight my dear hubby will see when he comes in the drive...

Did I mention I havent told him about this yet... all he knows is I was looking for the drill a few hours ago.   Hehe....  I stopped at that point and went looking for the tape measure...  and kinda got sidetracked  typing this blog....

Theres lots more to tell...  but the Grouchy Husband and The Worlds Cutest Cowboy are home ans demanding food.  Looks like Pizza tonight.....

1 comment:

mdk jewelry designs said...

once again, i was about to send out the search party. i figured you were at Gemstone Junction or at home.

miss you.

i am glad Christmas went well.

wyatt is waaaay to cute.

we need to have a coke one afternoon.

btw, ouch! i would not have cried....well, alright i would have cried, shortly after i spewed every bad word known.